C School
Professional Women Owning The Room
Are you ready to learn what makes you amazing?
At C School you will find a series of events, mini bootcamps, and the leadership program, all with proven exercises for the various aspects of strengthening your confidence.
When you finish you’ll be able to say “I own my confidence”.
Feel free to schedule time to chat if you have questions.
This is a lot to take in. What is C School anyways? Sign up here to get a complimentary walk through or to learn more about individual coaching.
Need some extra coffee and conversation. Confidence coffee mastermind members sign up here for some one on one attention.

Own The Room Kickstart
Learn some key techniques to help you stand out and own the room so you can get the respect and pay you deserve!

Smash The Saboteur For A Cure
This event will have various sessions to select from.
Session 1 3-4:45 pm
Session 2 5-6:45 pm
Session 3 7-8:45 pm

Smash The Saboteur For A Cure
This event will have various sessions to select from.
Session 1 3-4:45 pm
Session 2 5-6:45 pm
Session 3 7-8:45 pm

Leave Behind Career-Limiting Saboteurs To Level Up
Your saboteurs, are like raging storms in your head, all those negative thoughts that if left unchecked can do major damage to the project of you.

Leave Behind Career-Limiting Saboteurs To Level Up
Your saboteurs, are like raging storms in your head, all those negative thoughts that if left unchecked can do major damage to the project of you.

Leave Behind Career-Limiting Saboteurs To Level Up
Your saboteurs, are like raging storms in your head, all those negative thoughts that if left unchecked can do major damage to the project of you.